Cindy Kaiying Lin
Stephen Fleming Early Career Assistant Professor

Research Areas:
Artificial Intelligence; Human-Computer Interaction; Critical Data Studies


Dr. Cindy Lin is an ethnographer and information scientist. Her work centers on the data practices, exchanges, and expertise of climate change and their relationship to race and environmental governance in Indonesia and the United States. Her work is situated at the intersections of feminist science and technology studies, critical data studies, and postcolonial studies. Prior to her professorship at Georgia Tech, she was assistant professor at the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. She was also a visiting postdoctoral fellow at Cornell Tech's Digital Life Initiative as well as a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell Atkinson Centre for Sustainability and Cornell's Department of Information Science. She earned a doctoral degree from the School of Information at the University of Michigan, where she received the ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award. Dr. Lin's scholarship has appeared in computing venues such as ACM CHI, DIS, and PD as well as humanistic venues such as Social Text, e-flux, University of Nebraska Press, and elsewhere. She has also co-authored two multigraphs, Technoprecarious (MIT Press/Goldsmiths Press, Nov 2020) and Digital Energetics (University of Minnesota Press, 2023).