students talking at a table
students talking at a table
students talking at a table

Career Guides and Resources

Everyone’s journey to career success is unique. Explore and utilize resources that are designed for you. Learn about professional development associations, job tools, and advocacy groups and uncover ways that you can get connected within your community. Taking advantage of these resources can assist you in expanding your professional network and provide you with additional opportunities to enhance your skills.  

Professional Development Organizations 

Joining professional development organizations as a student provides opportunities to expand your network while also increasing your knowledge about your industry. Develop leadership skills by joining committees or enhancing your public speaking and communication skills through presenting presentations or sitting on a panel. Membership dues and conference fees vary, but most offer student discounts and scholarships so taking advantage of these resources now will benefit you later! 




Training and Development 

Stay on top of your professional development by gaining additional knowledge and skills through free online training.  

Exponent (Technical Interview Prep)

A comprehensive suite of courses, rubrics, workshops, and practice questions designed to help students prepare for technical interviews. Guides and courses are created in partnership with some of the top companies in the industry and prepares students for interviews in product management, software engineering, machine learning, UX, business operations, data science, and more!

Career Tools from GA Tech Career Services

A curated selection of tools and resources brought to you by GA Tech Career Services!

MIT Open Courseware 

This site makes MIT course content available. Review past lectures and supplemental materials on a variety of topics. 


Udacity partners with leading technology companies to provide education on critically needed technology skills. Their program catalog includes Programming and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Data Science, and Business. Many courses are available for free. 


Coursera provides individual courses, certificates, and degrees from more than 200 universities and organizations, including Georgia Tech. They also offer opportunities for hands-on guided projects. When you’ve completed a program, you can add your certificate to your resume or LinkedIn profile. 

EdX MicroMasters

MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate-level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. They provide deep learning in a specific career field and are recognized by employers for their real job relevance. Programs to consider: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Automotive Technology, Digital Product Management, IoT, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, etc. 



Making career decisions is a challenging process that not only involves developing one’s skill set, but also time uncovering who you are, where you want to go, and why you want to be there. Self-assessment is a powerful tool that will provide you with insight into who you are. Visit your career advisor after using the resources below to understand how this can be applied to your overall career satisfaction.  

16 Personalities

This site provides a “personality” (or preference) assessment that returns a 4-letter code similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Users will answer questions and be provided with detailed free information about their type with the option to explore all 16 types. 

Life Values Inventory

Helps individuals and organizations clarify their values and serve as a blueprint for effective decision-making and optimal functioning. 

Clifton Strengths 

All CoC undergraduates will take the Clifton Strengths assessment in CS 1100 and be introduced to your Signature Themes.  Visit one of the Clifton Strengths certified coaches in the College of Computing to discuss how your strengths can impact your career journey & career decisions.


Salary/Cost of Living  

These tools can help you assess how your salary will affect your cost of living. This information comes in handy when heading to the negotiation table! 


News in Computing  

Stay current with what is new in the tech industry.