Research Areas: Big Data systems and Analytics, Cloud Computing, Deep Learning, Distributed Systems, Mobile Computing, Privacy, Trust
Ling Liu is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. She directs the research programs in Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab (DiSL), examining various aspects of large scale big data systems and analytics, including performance, availability, security, privacy and trust. Prof. Liu is an elected IEEE Fellow and a recipient of IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award (2012). She has published over 300 international journal and conference articles and is a recipient of the best paper award from numerous top venues, including ICDCS, WWW, IEEE Cloud, IEEE ICWS, ACM/IEEE CCGrid. In addition to serve as general chair and PC chairs of numerous IEEE and ACM conferences in big data, distributed computing, cloud computing, data engineering, very large databases fields, Prof. Liu served as the editor in chief of IEEE Transactions on Service Computing (2013-2016), on editorial board of over a dozen international journals. Ling’s current research is sponsored primarily by NSF and IBM.