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GVU Center Brown Bag: MS-HCI Program — Recent Master's Projects

Captioning Group Conversations on Smart Glasses for People Who Are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing, Gabriel Britain
People who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH) tend to avoid group conversations with hearing people, as they find it difficult to follow along and participate. Smart glasses could help people who are DHH participate in group conversations in a discreet way. This research investigates how people who are DHH prefer to be shown captions in group contexts. The work presented today is part of the student’s Master’s Project requirements.
Facilitating Self-Management Practices in Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Jason Dong and Kaavya Singhal
This project is in conjunction with Emory Hospital and aims to examine self-management practices in low socioeconomic status Type 2 Diabetes patients. Ultimately, this project strives to design a mobile technological intervention to facilitate this process. The work presented today is a part of Jason and Kaavya’s Georgia Tech Master’s Project.
HerHeart, Aayahna Herbert and Tymirra Smith
The goal of the HerHeart project is to create a version of the Healthy Heart Score Tool that helps increase awareness of cardiac health for African American teens. The students are developing a mobile phone version of this tool that is engaging for teens and encourages them to take action to reduce their heart risk. The work presented today is part of the students’ HCI studio class project with their industry partner Georgia CTSA.
Netflix Master’s Project, Aditi Bhatnagar, Suyash Junnarkar, and Neha Khandavalli
Netflix viewers want to experience newly released shows and movies in an interactive social setting that will enable them to deeply engage with the entertainment content of their choice. This project explores avenues through which viewers can learn more about shows and movies in an interactive setting. The work presented today is part of the students’ Master’s Project, done with guidance from industry partners from Netflix.
SOFT -- Sea Otter Foraging Tech, Josh Terry
Can sensor-instrumented toys be used to monitor health and improve enrichment for sea otters at the Georgia Aquarium? This project looks at the design requirements of computer-driven otter enrichment devices and how we can help otter trainers derive meaningful health insights from the data pulled from such devices. The work presented today is part of the student’s Master’s Project.
Speaker Bios:
Captioning Group Conversations on Smart Glasses for People Who Are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing
Gabriel Britain is a second-year student in the Interactive Computing track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the Program, Gabriel graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Computer Science.
Facilitating Self-Management Practices in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Jason Dong is a second-year MS-HCI student in the Psychology track. Before entering the program, Jason graduated from UC Santa Barbara, where he majored in Biopsychology.
Kaavya Singhal is a second-year MS-HCI student in the Interactive Computing track. Before entering the program, Kaavya graduated from UC Berkeley, where she majored in Cognitive Science.
Aayahna Herbert is a first-year student in the Interactive Computing track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the program, Aayahna graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Computer Engineering.
Tymirra Smith is a first year student in the Industrial Design track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the program, Tymirra graduated from Georgia Tech and then worked at Brown Toy Box as a toy designer.
Netflix Master’s Project
Aditi Bhatnagar is a second-year student in the Psychology Track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the Program, Aditi graduated from University of California, Davis and then worked at SRI International’s neuroscience program as a research assistant.
Suyash Junnarkar is a second-year student in the Interactive Computing Track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the Program, Suyash graduated from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute in India and then came to Georgia Tech for a Masters in Industrial Design for a certificate year.
Neha Khandavalli is a second-year student in the Interactive Computing Track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the Program, Neha graduated from Georgetown University with a B.S. in Biochemistry and Computer Science and then worked at Data Innovations as a Software Engineer.
SOFT -- Sea Otter Foraging Tech
Josh Terry is a second-year student in the Digital Media track of the MS-HCI Program. Before entering the Program, Josh graduated from Georgia Tech's BS Computational Media Program and worked with Adult Swim Games as a Production Assistant.
Watch via BlueJeans Event: https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/kpqapgza
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School of Computational Science and Engineering
School of Interactive Computing
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Algorithms and Randomness Center (ARC)
Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U)
Center for Deliberate Innovation (CDI)
Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS)
Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies (CRNCH)
Constellations Center for Equity in Computing
Institute for People and Technology (IPAT)
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines (IRIM)