Upcoming Events

Spring 2021 Dean's New Undergraduate Alumni (Virtual) Celebration

Spring 2021 DNUAC

Congratulations! You are about to earn your bachelor's degree from Georgia Tech, and we want to honor your achievement and help you celebrate!

Students, families, faculty and staff, please join us for a virtual Dean's New Undergraduate Alumni Celebration, to be held, May 6 at 6 - 8 p.m. EST on Gatherly (links and addtional information to be determined)

The program is as follows;

  • Welcome: Jennifer Whitlow, Director of Computing Enrollment and Alumni Engagement
  • Charles Isbell, Dean of the College of Computing, John P. Imlay Jr. Chair
  • Cedric Stallworth, Assistant Dean for Outreach, Enrollment and Community; Senior Lecturer
  • Closing: Jennifer Whitlow

Total run time is ~2 hours

Be sure to tag your Dean’s New Alumni Celebration photos and posts on Instagram and Twitter with #GTComputing and #GT21

We wish all of our graduates a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer!
