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College of Computing Faculty Distinctions
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College of Computing Faculty Distinctions
- Honors
- Professional Society Fellows
- Professional Society Awards
- Charitable Foundation Fellows
- U.S. Government Awards
- Corporate Research Awards
- Georgia Tech Awards
- Georgia Tech Distinctions
- Endowed Chairs
- Recognitions
National Academy of Engineering Members
- James Foley (2008)
- Zvi Galil (2004)
- Richard Lipton (1999)
American Academy of Arts & Sciences Fellows
- Richard Lipton (2014)
- Zvi Galil (2005)
National Associate of the National Academies
- Dana Randall (2008)
Professional Society Fellows
AAAS Fellows
- David Sherrill (2014)
- Srinivas Aluru (2010)
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows
- Srinivas Aluru
- Richard DeMillo
- James Foley
- Peter Freeman
- Nancy Nersessian
- Calton Pu
- David Sherrill
- Vladimir Slamecka
American Chemical Society Fellows
- David Sherrill (2011)
ACM Fellows
- Srinivas Aluru (2020)
- Haesun Park (2020)
- Richard Fujimoto (2017)
- Wenke Lee (2018)
- Santosh Vempala (2016)
- Sham Navathe (2014)
- Ellen Zegura (2013)
- Mostafa Ammar (2003)
- Richard DeMillo (2003)
- Mary Jean Harrold (2003)
- Peter Freeman (2000)
- James Foley (1999)
- Richard Lipton (1997)
- Zvi Galil (1995)
American Mathematical Society Fellow
- Santosh Vempala (2021)
- Dana Randall (2012)
American Physical Society Fellow
- David Sherrill (2010)
Eurographics Fellow
- Jarek Rossignac (2000)
IEEE Fellows
- Richard Fujimoto (2019)
- Haesun Park (2017)
- Calton Pu (2016)
- Ümit V. Çatalyürek (2015)
- Ling Liu (2014)
- David Sherrill (2014)
- Kishore Ramachandran (2013)
- John Stasko (2013)
- Irfan Essa (2012)
- Mary Jean Harrold (2011)
- Ellen Zegura (2011)
- Srinivas Aluru (2010)
- Thomas Conte (2005)
- Ronald Arkin (2003)
- Mostafa Ammar (2001)
- Peter Freeman (1997)
- James Foley (1986)
I/ITSEC Fellows
- Richard Fujimoto (2019)
ISCB Fellows
- Mark Borodovsky (2020)
Non-Resident Fellow, Center for Democracy and Technology
- Annie Antón (2009)
SIAM Fellow
- Edmond Chow (2021)
- Srinivas Aluru (2020)
- Ümit Çatalyürek (2020)
- Haesun Park (2013)
- Prasad Tetali (2009)
Professional Society Awards
ACM/CHI Award (CHI Academy)
- Amy Bruckman (2018)
- Thad Starner (2017)
- John Stasko (2016)
- Keith Edwards (2014)
- Rebecca Grinter (2013)
- Elizabeth Mynatt (2009)
- James Foley (2001)
ACM Gordon Bell Prize
- Toby Isaac (2015)
- Rich Vuduc (2010)
- Edmond Chow (2009)
ACM/SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Achievement Award
- Greg Turk (2012)
ACM/SIGGRAPH Coons Lifetime Achievement Award
- James Foley (1997)
ACM/SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award
- James Foley (2007)
ACM/SIGACT Donald E. Knuth Prize
- Richard Lipton (2014)
ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contribution in Simulation Award
- Richard Fujimoto (2013)
Award of Excellence (Systems Research Foundation)
- Vladimir Slamecka (1986)
Edison Award, Productivity
- Larry Sweet (2013)
IEEE AI's 10 to Watch
- B. Aditya Prakash (2017)
IEEE VGTC Visualization Technical Achievement Award
- John Stasko (2012)
John V. Atanasoff Discovery Award
- Srinivas Aluru (2017)
Lilian Gilbreath Lectureship from the National Academy of Engineers
- Melody Jackson (2004)
Manufacturing Leadership Council, Supply Chain Excellence Highest Achiever
- Larry Sweet (2015)
Richard A. Tapia Achievement Award for Scientific Scholarship, Civic Science and Diversifying Computing
- Peter Freeman (2007)
R&D 100 Award
- Larry Sweet
SEG Reginald Fessenden Award
- Felix Herrmann (2020)
Solid Modeling Association Bézier Award
- Jarek Rossignac (2014)
SIAM Early Career Travel Award
- B. Aditya Prakash (2015)
SIAM SDM/IBM Early Career Data Mining Research Award
- Jimeng Sun (2017)
SIAM/Supercomputing Early Career Prize
- Toby Isaac (2016)
Technology Review TR35 Award (includes prior TR100 winners)
- Amy Bruckman (1999)
- Thad Starner (1999)
Charitable Foundation Fellows
Fulbright Fellows
- Norberto Ezquerra
- Nancy Nersessian
Guggenheim Fellows
- Larry Sweet
- Richard Lipton
- Santosh Vempala (2005)
Kolon Faculty Fellow
- Le Song (2020)
Miller Institute for Basic Science Research Fellow
- Santosh Vempala (1998)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Fellow
- Nancy Nersessian (2005)
Sloan Fellows
- James Hays (2015)
- Chris Peikert (2011)
- Karen Liu (2010)
- Nick Feamster (2008)
- Adam Kalai (2008)
- Subhash Khot (2006)
- Dana Randall (2003)
- Santosh Vempala (2002)
- Elizabeth Mynatt (2001)
- Dana Randall (2001)
Swarnajayanti Fellowship
- Srinivas Aluru (2007)
Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellow
- Surya Kalidindi (2018)
U.S. Government Awards
DARPA Computer Science Study Group
- Rich Vuduc (2009)
- Charles Isbell (2006)
DARPA Young Faculty Award
- Mark Riedl (2011)
FIRST (First Independent Research Support Transition Award) National Library of Medicine
- Norberto Ezquerra (1987)
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
- Kishore Ramachandran (1990)
- Chris Atkeson (1988)
NSF National Young Investigator Award
- Mary Jean Harrold
- Jessica Hodgins
- B. Aditya Prakash (2018)
- Jacob Eisenstein (2015)
- Le Song (2014)
- Mark Riedl (2013)
- Sonia Chernova (2012)
- James Hays (2012)
- Rich Vuduc (2010)
- Alexander Gray (2009)
- Adam Kalai (2008)
- Ümit V. Çatalyürek (2007)
- Subhash Khot (2007)
- Guy Lebanon (2007)
- Gabriel Loh (2007)
- Sasha Boldyreva (2006)
- Charles Isbell (2006)
- Bruce Walker (2006)
- Frank Dellaert (2005)
- Milos Prvulovic (2005)
- Tucker Balch (2004)
- Blair MacIntyre (2004)
- Yannis Smaragdakis (2003)
- Jim Xu (2003)
- Sauguata Basu (2002)
- Wenke Lee (2002)
- Jim Rehg (2002)
- Thad Starner (2001)
- David Sherrill (2001)
- Irfan Essa (2000)
- Amy Bruckman (1999)
- Ken Mackenzie (1999)
- Leonard Schulman (1999)
- Santosh Vempala (1999)
- Srinivas Aluru (1997)
- Ann Chervenak (1997)
- Dana Randall (1997)
- Greg Turk (1997)
- Thomas Conte (1996
- Raja Das (1996)
- Ellen Zegura (1995)
NSF Research Initiation (RIA) Award
- Santosh Pande (1995)
- Thomas Conte (1994)
- Ashok Goel (1992)
- Mary Jean Harrold (1991)
- John Stasko (1991)
- Kishore Ramachandran (1988)
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator
- Sonia Chernova (2014)
Presidential Early CAREER Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
- Dhruv Batra (2019)
- Edmond Chow (2002)
Corporate Research Awards
Adobe Faculty Research Award
- Srijan Kumar
Amazon AWS Machine Learning Research Award
- Chao Zhang (2020)
Facebook Faculty Research Award
- Srijan Kumar (2020)
- Polo Chau (2020)
- B. Aditya Prakash (2015)
Google Faculty Research Award
- Chao Zhang (2020)
- Polo Chau (2015)
- Mark Riedl (2013)
IBM Faculty Award
- Ashok Goel (2014, 2015)
- Mary Jean Harrold (2008)
- Srinivas Aluru (2007)
- Jun "Jim" Xu (2006)
- Thomas Conte (1996)
- Dana Randall
- Bill Rouse
IBM Faculty Partnership Award
- Dana Randall (2003)
Intel Outstanding Researcher Award
- Polo Chau (2020)
LexisNexis Dean's Excellence Award
- Polo Chau (2014)
NVIDIA Professor Partnership
- Blair MacIntyre (2009)
Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP) Award
- Polo Chau (2014)
Georgia Tech Awards
Every year, the College of Computing awards faculty and staff for their outstanding service and leadership. Browse a list of past award recipients or nominate faculty and staff for one of the College's Annual Awards.
Class of 1934 Distinguished Professor Award
- Richard Lipton (2012)
- James Foley (2008)
Class of 1934 Outstanding Interdisciplinary Activity Award
- Santosh Vempala (2012)
- James Foley (1994)
Outstanding Service Award
- Richard Fujimoto (2009)
Outstanding Faculty Leadership
- Wenke Lee (2012)
Outstanding Professional Education
- Mustaque Ahamad (2012)
Outstanding Service Award
- Tucker Balch (2012)
Georgia Tech Distinctions
Advance Professor of Computing
- Dana Randall
- Mary Jean Harrold
Distinguished Professors
- Gregory Abowd
- Henrik Christensen
- Richard DeMillo
- Merrick Furst
- Santosh Vempala
Regents' Professors
- Beth Mynatt (2019)
- Surya Kalidindi (2019)
- Haesun Park (2019)
- John Stasko (2018)
- Gregory Abowd (2012)
- Richard Fujimoto (2007)
- Nancy Nersessian (2007)
- Janet Kolodner (2004)
- Mostafa Ammar (2003)
- Ron Arkin (2002)
- Mark Borodovsky
Endowed Chairs
John P. Imlay Jr. Dean of Computing
- Charles Isbell (current)
- Zvi Galil (former)
KUKA Chair in Robotics
- Seth Hutchinson
Stephen Fleming Chair in Telecommunications
- James Foley
Frederick G. Storey Chair in Computing
- Richard Lipton
John P. Imlay Jr. Chair in Software
- Calton Pu
Charlotte B. & Roger C. Warren Chair in Computing
- Richard DeMillo
John P. Imlay Jr. Chair II in Software
- Wenke Lee
Frederick G. Storey Chair II in Computing
- Santosh Vempala
Stephen Fleming Chair II in Telecommunications
- Ellen Zegura
Catherine M. and James E. Allchin Early-Career Assistant Professorship
- Sonia Chernova
ACM Distinguished Scientist
- Srinivas Aluru (2017)
- John Stasko (2011)
- Annie Antón (2009)
- Keith Edwards (2009)
- Beki Grinter (2009)
ACM Senior Member
- Amy Bruckman (2009)
- Frank Dellaert (2009)
- Beth Mynatt (2009)
- Milos Prvulovic (2009)
- Jun "Jim" Xu (2009)
- Albert N. Badre (2008)
- Irfan Essa (2008)
Awards and Honors
- View past College Award Recipients
- View past Institute Award Recipients
- GT Staff and Departmental Awards
- CTL Student Teaching Awards
- Sigma Xi Student and Faculty Research Awards
- CTL Teaching Awards
- Institute Research Awards (EVPR)
- Office of the Provost Awards Page
- Have an award-related question? Email awards@cc.gatech.edu