Course/Number | Course TItle |
CS 6471 | Computational Social Science |
CS 6601 | Artificial Intelligence |
CS 6603/CS 8803 AIS | AI, Ethics and Society |
CS 7280 | Network Science |
CS 7290 | Advanced Microarchitecture |
CS 7476 | Advanced Computer Vision |
CS 7632 | Game AI |
CS 7634 | AI Storytelling in Virtual Worlds |
CS 7637 | Knowledge Based AI |
CS 7647/CS 8803 LS | Machine Learning with Limited Supervision |
CS 7648 | Interactive Robot Learning |
CS 7649 | Robot Intelligence: Planning |
CS 7651 | Human and Machine Learning |
CS/CSE/ECE/ISYE 7750/CS 8803 MTH | Math Foundations Mach Learning |
CS/CSE/ECE/ISYE 7751/CS 8803 MG | Graphical Models in ML |
CS 8803 AA | Advanced Algorithms and Uncertainty |
CS 8803 ACR | Adaptive Control and Reinforcement |
CS 8803 APT | Advanced Privacy Topics |
CS 8803 BM | Expressive AI |
CS 8803 CAB | Computational and the Brain |
CS 8803 CAI | Conversational AI |
CS/ISyE 8803 CMM | Foundations of Data Privacy |
CS 8803 CVL | Computer Vision and Language |
CS 8803 DAA | Design & Analysis of Algorithms |
CS 8803 DDL | Data Analytics using Deep Learning |
CS 8803 DML/DMM | Data Management and ML |
CS 8803 DML | Data Centric Machine Learning |
CS 8803 DLM | Deep Learning for Robotics |
CS 8803 DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
CS 8803 EAI | Explainable AI |
CS 8803 EML | Efficient Machine Learning |
CS 8803 GNN | Graph Neural Networks |
CS 8803 HAI | Human AI Interaction |
CS 8803 HML | Human and Machine Learning |
CS 8803 HML | HW-SW Co-Design ML SYS |
CS 8803 IRL | Interactive Robot Learning |
CS 8803 LLM | Large Language Models |
CS 8803 MCE | Markov Chains and Emergence |
CS 8803 MGA | Massive Graph Analysis |
CS 8803 MM | Mobile Manipulation |
CS 8803 MS | Machine Learning Security |
CS 8803 NLP | Adv Natural Language Processing |
CS 8803 R (Fall 2023) | Conversational AI |
CS 8803 RLR | Deep RL for Int. Ctrl |
CS 8803 SAL | Systems for AI LLMS |
CS 8803 SML | Statistical Machine Learning |
CS 8803 SMR | Systems for Machine Learning |
CS 8803 TOI | Theory of Intelligence |
CS 8803 VLM | Vision-Language Foundation Models |
CS 8813 R | Intro to Research in ML, Robotics, and CS |
CSE 6243 | Advanced Topics in Machine Learning |
CSE 7850/CSE 8803 MLB | Machine Learning in Computational Biology |
CSE 8803 ASI | AI for Social Impact |
CSE 8803 DLT | Deep Learning for Text Data |
CSE 8803 DSN | Data Science for Social Networks |
CSE 8803 EPI | Data Science for Epidemiology |
CSE 8803 IDM | Imaging: data-driven models |
CSE 8803 IUC | Intro to Urban Computing |
CSE 8803 IUQ | Intro to Uncertainty Quantification |
CSE 8803 MLC | Machine Learning for Chemistry |
CSE 8803 MLG | Machine Learning with Graphs |
CSE 8803 NBD | ML for Neural/Behavioral Data |
CSE 8803 NDA | Numerical Data Analytics |
CSE 8803 NLP | Applied Natural Lang Process |
CSE 8803 SML | Scientific Machine Learning |
BMED 6517 | Machine Learning in Biosciences |
BMED 7610 | Computational Neuroscience |
ECE 6254 | Stat Machine Learning |
ECE 6270 | Convex Optimization |
ECE/BMED 6790 | Information Processing Models in Neural Systems |
INTA 8803 LR | Hacking for Defense |
ISYE 6663 | Nonlinear Optimization |
ISYE 7406 | Data Mining & Statistical Learning |
ISYE 8803 | Topics on High Dimensional Data Analyt |
ISYE 8813 MAG | First Order Methods in Opt |
MATH 6262 | Statistical Estimation |
MGT 6452 | Machine Learning for Business |