Additional Career Resources
CS-Specific Professional Development Organizations
Joining professional development organizations as a student provides opportunities to expand your network while also increasing your knowledge about your industry. Develop leadership skills by joining committees or enhancing your public speaking and communication skills through presenting presentations or sitting on a panel. Membership dues and conference fees vary, but most offer student discounts and scholarships so taking advantage of these resources now will benefit you later!
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
- Computing Research Association
- CRA Committee on Widening Participation in Computing Research (CRA-WP)
- IEEE Computer Society
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- International Game Development Association
Professional Conferences
- Computing Conference
- AIAP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
- CMD-IT ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference
- International Conference on Computational Science
- Grace Hopper Celebration
Additional Career Resources and Tools
Stay on top of your professional development by gaining additional knowledge and skills through free online training.
- Career Tools from GA Tech Career Services - A curated selection of tools and resources brought to you by GA Tech Career Services!
- MIT Open Courseware - This site makes MIT course content available. Review past lectures and supplemental materials on a variety of topics.
- Udacity - Udacity partners with leading technology companies to provide education on critically needed technology skills. Their program catalog includes Programming and Development, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Data Science, and Business. Many courses are available for free.
- Coursera - Coursera provides individual courses, certificates, and degrees from more than 200 universities and organizations, including Georgia Tech. They also offer opportunities for hands-on guided projects. When you’ve completed a program, you can add your certificate to your resume or LinkedIn profile.
- EdX MicroMasters - MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate-level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. They provide deep learning in a specific career field and are recognized by employers for their real job relevance. Programs to consider: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Automotive Technology, Digital Product Management, IoT, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, etc.
Making career decisions is a challenging process that not only involves developing one’s skill set, but also time uncovering who you are, where you want to go, and why you want to be there. Self-assessment is a powerful tool that will provide you with insight into who you are. Visit your career advisor after using the resources below to understand how this can be applied to your overall career satisfaction.
- 16 Personalities - This site provides a “personality” (or preference) assessment that returns a 4-letter code similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Users will answer questions and be provided with detailed free information about their type with the option to explore all 16 types.
- Life Values Inventory - Helps individuals and organizations clarify their values and serve as a blueprint for effective decision-making and optimal functioning.
- Clifton Strengths - All CoC undergraduates will take the Clifton Strengths assessment in CS 1100 and be introduced to your Signature Themes. Visit one of the Clifton Strengths certified coaches in the College of Computing to discuss how your strengths can impact your career journey & career decisions.
Salary/Cost of Living
These tools can help you assess how your salary will affect your cost of living. This information comes in handy when heading to the negotiation table!
- Smart Asset Paycheck Calculator
- Payscale Salary and Negotiation Guide
- Educate to Career Salary Evaluation
- Money CNN Cost of Living Tool
- Levels.fyi Salary Evaluation Tool
News in Computing
Stay current with what is new in the tech industry.
On-Campus Resources:
Professional Attire:
Legal Resources:
Job Search and Employment Resources:
- 55 LGBTQ+ Job Search & Career Resources (Novoresume.com)
- 44 Resources for LGBTQ+ College Students (purdueglobal.edu)
- Human Rights Campaign – Workplace Site (includes transgender-specific resources)
- National Center for Lesbian Rights (includes legal issues, transgender issues)
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity)
- Out and Equal
Additional Resources:
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network)
- Out for Undergrad (Conferences for LGBTQ Students)
- Out Professionals
- Pride at Work
- Coming Out at Work (Human Rights Campaign)
- Coming Out as a Supporter (Human Rights Campaign)
- Columbia University Center for Career Education: LGBTQ Students
- Zippia.com :: How To Be An LGBTQ+ Ally In The Workplace
- Zippia.com :: 30 LGBTQ Scholarships For Higher Education
Black/African American
Campus and Local Resources:
- Georgia Tech Black Alumni Organization
- 100 Black Men of Atlanta – Career Pipeline Program
- Georgia Tech Center for Engineering Education and Diversity (CEED) – Peer Mentoring Program for Engineering, Computing, and Sciences students
- National Black MBA Association Atlanta Chapter – The Atlanta chapter of the National Black MBA Association focuses on career development, education, and networking for black professionals and students in the region.
- The Urban League of Greater Atlanta – The Urban League offers a wide range of programs and services aimed at empowering African American communities, including career development and job placement services.
National Organizations, Scholarships, and Additional Resources:
- African American Professional Associations – Compilation of links to the leading African American professional associations, many with career and job sites of their own, collected by Monster.
- Black Career Women’s Network – “national career development organization dedicated to fostering the professional growth and ambitions of Black women in the workplace.”
- The Black Perspective – Career resources website including a Career Gallery list of companies actively seeking African American applicants.
- Diversity Employers – Recruitment job board connecting diverse talent
- National Urban League Job Network – The Urban League Job Network is backed by the National Urban League and is dedicated to helping Black students find employment opportunities.
- Resources for Black Designers and Architects (Architectural Digest) – Networks and organizations focused on supporting Black A&D professionals.
- Resources for Black Students (University of Toronto) – List of resources for Black professionals in Canada.
- SME Education Foundation (Scholarships)
- United Negro College Fund – UNCF is the nation’s largest private scholarship provider to historically underrepresented groups. It manages various scholarship, fellowship, and internship programs.
- 10 Workforce Development Programs Focused on Black Talent
- 28 Great Resources to Share with Black Students Pursuing Careers in Tech
First Gen/Low Income
- Learn more about Georgia Tech’s First-Generation & Limited Income Student Initiatives.
- If you don’t want to purchase, you can borrow professional business attire through the Career Center’s Campus Closet.
- Northwestern University provides this great overview of First Gen/Limited-Income guidance.
- Michelle Obama’s Video for First-Gen students: Former First Lady Michelle Obama, a first-generation college graduate, message to First-Gen college students across the country.
- First-Generation Students Unite: An article that shares the stories of First-Gen college students across the country. It encourages First-Gen students to embrace being First-Gent as a unique part of their identity.
- I am First: Hear testimonials from first-gen students and graduates from across the country.
- Career Advice for First-Generation Grad Students: This article offers six key pieces of advice from a First-Generation graduate student on transitioning from academe to the world of work.
- Fact sheet on first-gen students: This fact sheet offers information about First-Gen students from their pre-college years through their academic experiences.
- Scholarships for First-Gen: This is resource provides college funding options and/or additional scholarship resources.
- The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute – Learn more about a congressional internship program in DC.
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities – A compilation of internship and job boards sponsored by the association, which represents more than 400 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America, and Spain.
- Hispanic and Latino Professional Associations – Compilation of links to the leading Hispanic and Latino professional associations, many with career and job sites of their own, collected by Monster.
- iHispano – a leading career and recruiting site for Hispanic and bilingual professionals and job seekers.
- Latino Careers – Job board sponsored by LATCareers.com.
Georgia Tech offers many Institute- and student-led opportunities to engage in campus activities. A selection of women’s organizations can be found below, or visit the Student Activities and GT Engage websites to find more.
- Women’s Resource Center
- Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
- GT Center for the Study of Women, Science, and Technology (WST)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- GT Women in Engineering (WIE)
- Women in Materials Science Engineering (WiMSE)
- Women’s A Capella
- Women’s Greek organizations, social and philanthropic
- Women’s Club Sports
- Women at College of Computing (W@CC)
- Society of Women in Business (SWIB)
If you do not find a club or organization that fits your needs, consider forming one.
Salary & Negotiation
Salary negotiation as a woman comes with its own set of challenges. See these resources below for tips for women about negotiating salary.
NYTimes “A Woman’s Guide to Salary Negotiation”
LeanIn.org “Negotiation Advice for Women”
Other Resources
The University of Nebraska has a great list of additional resources for women’s career development.
Students with Disabilities
Campus and Local/National Resources:
- Georgia Tech Office of Disability Services
- Georgia Tech ABLE Alliance
- The Georgia Department of Labor
- A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations
- US Department of Labor
- Autism at Work: Overcoming Challenges Students on the Spectrum
- Career Map for Students on the Spectrum
- Disability Equality Index: Top Employers List
- Employment With a Disability Resource Guide
- How Can I Navigate the Workplace with a Disability?
- How I cope with my ‘invisible’ disabilities of anxiety and depression
- How to Effectively Job Hunt When You Have an Invisible Disability
- Lime Connect (more details below under “Programs and Associations”)
- Tips on Disclosure
- 5 Ways Disability Services and Career Services Can Work Together
The following list of resources for students with disabilities was compiled by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers):
Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
AHEAD is the leading professional membership association for individuals committed to equity for persons with disabilities in higher education. Since 1977, AHEAD has offered a member experience to disability resource professionals, student affairs personnel, ADA coordinators, diversity officers, AT/IT staff, faculty and other instructional personnel, and colleagues who are invested in creating welcoming higher education experiences for disabled individuals.
Bender Consulting assists job seekers in finding positions in the public and private sector.
Coalition for Disability Access in Health Services
The Coalition is a collaboration among peer institutions that aims to improve the student experience with disability accommodations in graduate health science and medical education programs.
Disability:IN is a nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion.
Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring (DREAM)
DREAM is charged with the mission of advancing the interests of students with disabilities, in post-secondary institutions, and their allies across the United States. DREAM advocates for student rights, increased accessibility, social and policy change, and aims to provide support and mentorship to local campus disability groups and individual students. DREAM hopes to empower students with disabilities to work for local and national change, encourage the development of disability culture and peer support, and advance the study of disabilities within academia. In keeping with the larger cross-disabilities movement, DREAM aspires to be as inclusive as possible.
Emerging Leaders Summer Internship Program for College Students with Disabilities: Provides students with internship and leadership development opportunities.
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)
EARN is a free resource that helps employers tap the benefits of disability diversity by educating public- and private-sector organizations on ways to build inclusive workplace cultures. EARN offers information and resources to empower individuals and organizations to become leaders in the employment and advancement of people with disabilities.
Hire-Ability serves as a bridge between the business community and the mental health system for people who are ready, willing, and able to return to work.
International Disability Management Standards Council (IDMSC)
IDMSC promotes, through a system of policy, program and professional certification, the international acceptance, continued development, and broad-based implementation of consensus-based, outcome focused disability management policies, programs, and professional standards.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.
Kessler Foundation
Kessler Foundation strives to improve the lives of people with physical and cognitive disabilities caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain and spinal cord injury, and other chronic neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions.
Lime Connect
Lime Connect is a global not for profit 501(c)(3) organization that’s rebranding disability through achievement. We do that by attracting, preparing, and connecting high potential university students and professionals – including veterans – who happen to have all types of disabilities for scholarships, internships, The Lime Connect Fellowship Program, and full-time careers with our corporate partners – the world’s leading corporations. We are breaking stereotypes and leading companies of every size, industry and location to understand the importance of, and fully value, the talent and strengths that employees with disabilities bring to the workplace.
Mobility International USA (MIUSA)
MIUSA is a disability-led nonprofit organization advancing disability rights and leadership globally. MIUSA is a cross-disability organization serving people with a broad range of disabilities.
National Center for College Students With Disabilities (NCCSD)
NCCSD is the only federally funded national center in the United States for college and graduate students with any type of disability, chronic health condition, or mental or emotional illness. NCCSD also has information for parents, faculty, and anyone working with college students. Higher education faculty and staff with disabilities can use the NCCSD, too. For free information and a good “first stop” any time, please go directly to the NCCSD Clearinghouse and search for topics of interest. Learn more about college and disability topics in the NCCSD Training Center.
National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
NCDAE exists to address issues of technology and disability in education policies and practices to enhance the lives of people with disabilities and their families. NCDAE works on policy, research, training and technical assistance, and dissemination of information. NCDAE accomplishes its purpose through an affiliate network of over 500 national and international partners in education, business and industry, and government.
National Organization on Disability (NOD)
NOD is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America’s 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life. NOD focuses on increasing employment opportunities for the 80 percent of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed. NOD offers a disability tracker.
Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
ODEP, part of the U.S. Department of Labor, is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
Research on Disability
This highlights several Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers at the Institute on Disability. Particular areas of concentration are employment, statistics and demographics, education, health and program participation.
RespectAbility is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that understands we are a stronger community when we live up to our values—when we are welcoming, diverse, moral, and respect one another. We work with entertainment, policy makers, educators, self-advocates, nonprofits, employers, faith-based organizations, philanthropists, journalists, and online media to fight stigmas and advance opportunities for people with disabilities. Led by people with disabilities and those who love them, we know that people with disabilities and their families have the same hopes and dreams as everyone else, even if they face different challenges.
Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP): WRP connects undergraduate, graduate students and recent graduates with disabilities who are interested paid internships and full-time opportunities to private sector employers and federal agencies
Workplace Initiative
The Workplace Initiative is a national network of foundations, companies, nonprofits and government agencies that works to remove barriers to successful careers for people with disabilities.
International Students
United States Visa & Green Card Reports on MyVisaJobs.com – This website has a list of companies and employers who have hired international candidates before. You don’t need to limit your job search to these companies, but it is nice to know if a company has experience with hiring international candidates.
Companies that sponsor H1B visas: GoinGlobal – GoinGlobal provides links to H-1B visa employers for every state. To access GoinGlobal, visit the Resources tab on EagleOps.
United States Office of Foreign Labor Certification – This is a federal government agency that U.S. companies turn to for policies and procedures when hiring international candidates.
Professional Attire: Dressing for Interviews and the Workplace, The Balance Careers.com – This is a guide to U.S. standards for business casual and business formal attire.
Myth Vs. Fact: International Student Job Search In America – LinkedIn
Job-Search Strategies for International Students Who Didn’t Win the 2022 H-1B Lottery
How to Navigate Your Way through American Workplace Culture
Cultural Vistas – Practical training information for international students and non-U.S. citizens seeking career-related experience
Common Cultural Barriers Chart
International Organization Affairs Approved International Organizations – List of organizations covered under the International Organizations Immunities Act (1945), who often provide full-time international employees with G-4 status. Students who work for one of these organizations during the program of study must have an F-1 or J-1 work authorization.
Uniworld Online – A global business database with up-to-date contact information for multinational companies with headquarters in over 200 countries and 20,000 industries. UNIWORLD Online provides contact information for headquarters, subsidiaries, branches, and executives for businesses operating in the U.S. and abroad.
AISEC – A non-profit global platform for students to explore and develop their leadership potential through global internships and volunteering opportunities.
Recruit Net – An international job search site with jobs listed in more than 20 countries all over the world.
Dedicated to empowering undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal, institutional, and policy transformation, Immigrants Rising provides educational resources, funding opportunities, and training. Topics include: Entrepreneurship & Freelancing, Law & Policy and Higher Education
Provides up-to-date information & resources for undocumented students. Information is catered to both undergraduate and graduate students. Topics include: First-hand advice from fellow undocumented students, Applying for funding for undergraduate and graduate programs, and support applying for DACA
Resources for DACA students including legal/employment rights.
NACE Conference Presentation: Career Pathways for Undocumented Students
Undocumented Friendly Employers (2021 List)