M.S. Computer Science Specializations
Students in the M.S. Computer Science degree programs may choose one of 11 specializations. For more information, please consult this list of specializations and core courses:
Artificial Intelligence (previously Interactive Intelligence)
[Prerequisite: An undergraduate or above algorithms/computational thinking course.]
Core courses (9 hours):
Take one (1) course from:
Algorithms and Design
- CS 6300 Software Development Process
- CS 6301 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
- CSE 6140 Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
And, two (2) courses from:
- CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 7637 Knowledge-Based AI
- CS 7641 Machine Learning
Electives (6 hours):
Pick two (2) courses from:
- CS 6440 Introduction to Health Informatics
- CS 6460 Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations
- CS 6465 Computational Journalism
- CS 6471 Computational Social Science
- CS 6603 AI, Ethics, and Society
- CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction
AI Methods
- CS 6476 Computer Vision
- CS 7631 Multi-Robot Systems
- CS 7632 Game AI
- CS 7633 Human-Robot Interaction
- CS 7634 AI Storytelling in Virtual Worlds
- CS 7643 Deep Learning
- CS 7647 Machine Learning with Limited Supervision
- CS 7650 Natural Language
- CS 8803 Special Topics: Advanced Game AI
- CS 6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science
- CS 7610 Modeling and Design
- CS 7651 Human and Machine Learning
- CS 8803 Special Topics: Computational Creativity
Computational Perception and Robotics
Core Courses (6 hours)
Algorithms: Pick one (1) of:
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
- CS 6520 Computational Complexity Theory
- CS 6550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 7520 Approximation Algorithms
- CS 7530 Randomized Algorithms
- CSE 6140 Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
And pick one of:
- CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 7641 Machine Learning
Electives (9 hours)
Pick three (3) courses from Perception and Robotics, with at least one course from each.
- CS 6475 Computational Photography
- CS 6476 Computer Vision
- CS 7499 3D Reconstruction
- CS 7636 Computational Perception
- CS 7639 Cyber Physical Design and Analysis
- CS 7644 Machine Learning for Robotics
- CS 7650 Natural Language
- CS 7630 Autonomous Robotics
- CS 7631 Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems
- CS 7633 Human-Robot Interaction
- CS 7638 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Robotics
- CS 7648 Interactive Robot Learning
- CS 7649 Robot Intelligence: Planning
Computer Graphics
Core Courses (6 hours)
Pick one (1) of:
- CS 6491 Foundations of Computer Graphics
- CS 6457 Video Game Design
- CS 7496 Computer Animation
And pick one (1) of:
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
Electives (9 hours)
Pick three (3) from:
- CS 6457 Video Game Design and Programming
- CS 6475 Computational Photography
- CS 6476 Computer Vision
- CS 6491 Foundations of Computer Graphics
- CS 6492 Shape Grammars
- CS 6730 Data Visualization Principles
- CS 7450 Information Visualization
- CS 7496 Computer Animation
Computing Systems
Core courses (9 hours):
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
And, pick two (2) of:
- CS 6210 Advanced Operating Systems
- CS 6241 Compiler Design
- CS 6250 Computer Networks
- CS 6290 High-Performance Computer Architecture
- CS 6300 Software Development Process OR CS 6301 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
- CS 6390 Programming Languages
- CS 6400 Database Systems Concepts and Designs
- Any Core Courses in excess of the 9 hour requirement may be used as Computing Systems Electives
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) courses from:
- CS 6035 Introduction to Information Security
- CS 6200 Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS 6220 Big Data Systems and Analytics
- CS 6235 Real Time Systems
- CS 6238 Secure Computer Systems
- CS 6260 Applied Cryptography
- CS 6262 Network Security
- CS 6263 Intro to Cyber Physical Systems Security
- CS 6291 Embedded Software Optimization
- CS 6310 Software Architecture and Design
- CS 6340 Software Analysis and Testing
- CS 6365 Introduction to Enterprise Computing
- CS 6422 Database System Implementation
- CS 6550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 6675 Advanced Internet Computing Systems and Applications
- CS 7210 Distributed Computing
- CS 7260 Internetworking Architectures and Protocols
- CS 7270 Networked Applications and Services
- CS 7280 Network Science
- CS 7290 Advanced Topics in Microarchitecture
- CS 7292 Reliability and Security in Computer Architecture
- CS 7560 Theory of Cryptography
- CS 8803 FPL Special Topics: Foundations of Programming Languages
- CSE 6220 High Performance Computing
- Any Special Topics (CS 8803) course that is being taught by a School of Computer Science faculty member may also count as a Computing Systems elective. The definition of "School of Computer Science faculty member" is a faculty member who appears on the School of Computer Science website: https://scs.gatech.edu/people/faculty
High Performance Computing
Core Courses (6 hours):
- CSE 6140 Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
- CSE 6220 High Performance Computing
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) from:
- CSE 6221 Multicore Computing: Concurrency and Parallelism on the Desktop
- CS/CSE 6230 High-Performance Parallel Computing: Tools and Applications
- CS 6241 Compiler Design
- CS 6290 High-Performance Computer Architecture
- CS/CSE 8803 Special Topics: Parallel Numerical Algorithms
- CSE 6236 Parallel and Distributed Simulation
- CSE 8803 Special Topics: Hot Topics in Parallel Computing
Human Centered Computing
(This specialization is only for PhD students in HCC who want to earn an MSCS degree)
Core Courses (9 hours):
- CS 6451 Intro to HCC
- CS 6452 Prototyping Interactive Systems
- CS 7455 Issues in HCC
Electives (6 hours):
Pick two (2) from:
- CS 6455 User Interface Design and Evaluation
- CS 6456 User Interface Software
- CS 6460 Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations
- CS 6465 Computational Journalism
- CS 6470 Design of Online Communities
- CS 6471 Computational Social Science
- CS 6474 Social Computing
- CS 6476 Computer Vision
- CS 6601 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 6730 Data Visualization: Principles & Applications
- CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science
- CS 7450 Information Visualization
- CS 7451 Human-Centered Data Analysis
- CS 7460 Collaborative Computing
- CS 7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- CS 7476 Advanced Computer Vision
- CS 7610 Modeling and Design
- CS 7632 Game AI
- CS 7633 Human Robot Interaction
- CS 7637 Knowledge-Based AI
- CS 7620 Case-based Reasoning
- CS 7641 Machine Learning
- CS 7650 Natural Language
- CS 7695 Philosophy of Cognition
- CS 7697 Cognitive Models of Science and Technology
- CS 7790 Cognitive Modeling
- CS 8803 Computational Creativity
- CS 8803 Expressive AI
- CS 8803 Computers, Communications & International Development
Human-Computer Interaction
Core courses (6 hours):
- CS 6456 Principles of User Interface Software OR CS 7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) courses from the two sub-areas below, including at least one from each sub-area:
Sub-area: Design and evaluation concepts
- CS 6010 Principles of Design
- CS 6320 Software Requirements Analysis and Specification
- CS 6435 Digital Health Equity
- CS 6455 User Interface Design and Evaluation
- CS 6457 Video Game Design
- CS 6460 Educational Technology: Conceptual Foundations
- CS 6465 Computational Journalism
- CS 6470 Design of Online Communities
- CS 6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science
- CS 7465 Educational Technology: Design and Evaluation
- CS 7467 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- CS 7790 Cognitive Modeling
Sub-area: Interactive technology
- CS 6440 Introduction to Health Informatics
- CS 6730 Data Visualization: Principles & Applications
- CS 6763 Design of Design Environments
- CS 6770 Mixed Reality Experience Design
- CS 7450 Information Visualization
- CS 7451 Human-Centered Data Analysis
- CS 7460 Collaborative Computing
- CS 7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- CS 7632 Game AI
Machine Learning
Core courses (6 hours):
Algorithms: Pick one (1) of:
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
- CS 6520 Computational Complexity Theory
- CS 6550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 7510 Graph Algorithms
- CS 7520 Approximation Algorithms
- CS 7530 Randomized Algorithms
- CSE 6140 Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
And, pick one (1) of:
- CS 7641 Machine Learning
- CSE 6740 Computational Data Analysis: Learning, Mining, and Computation
Electives (9 hours):
Elective ML courses must have at least 1/3 of their graded content based on Machine Learning.
Pick three (3) of:
- CS 6220 Big Data Systems & Analysis
- CS 6476 Computer Vision
- CS 6603 AI, Ethics, and Society
- CS 7280 Network Science
- CS 7535 Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- CS 7540 Spectral Algorithms
- CS 7545 Machine Learning Theory
- CS 7616 Pattern Recognition
- CS 7626 Behavioral Imaging
- CS 7642 Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
- CS 7643 Deep Learning
- CS 7644 Machine Learning for Robotics
- CS 7646 Machine Learning for Trading
- CS 7650 Natural Language
- CS 8803 Special Topics: Probabilistic Graph Models
- CSE 6240 Web Search and Text Mining
- CSE 6242 Data and Visual Analytics
- CSE 6250 Big Data for Health
- ISYE 6416 Computational Statistics
- ISYE 6420 Bayesian Methods
- ISYE 6664 Stochastic Optimization
- Approved Substitutions
Modeling and Simulations
Core courses (6 hours):
- CSE 6730 Modeling and Simulation: Foundations and Implementation
And pick one (1) of
- CSE 6220 High Performance Computing
- ISYE 6644 Simulation
- MATH 6640 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) of:
- CSE 6220 High Performance Computing
- CSE 6236 Parallel and Distributed Simulation
- CSE/CHEM 8803 Special Topics: Quantum Information, Computation, and Simulation
- CS 7280 Network Science
- INTA 6742 Modeling, Simulation and Military Gaming
- ISYE 6644 Simulation
- MATH 6640 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Scientific Computing
Core courses (6 hours):
- CSE/MATH 6643 Numerical Linear Algebra
Pick one (1) of:
- CSE/MATH 6644 Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations
- MATH 6640 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) of:
- CS/CSE 6230 High-Performance Parallel Computing: Tools and Applications
- CS/CSE 8803 Special Topics: Parallel Numerical Algorithms
- CSE 6140 Computational Science and Engineering Algorithms
- CSE 6220 High Performance Computing
- CSE/MATH 6644 Iterative Methods for Systems of Equations
- CSE 8803 Special Topics: Algorithms for Medical Imaging and Inverse Problems
- CSE 8803/CHEM 6485 Computational Chemistry
- MATH 6640 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Social Computing
Core courses (6 hours):
Pick two (2) of:
- CS 6470 Design of Online Communities
- CS 6474 Social Computing
- CS 6471 Computational Social Science
Electives (9 hours):
Pick three (3) more classes including additional classes from the above and:
- CS 6238 Secure Computer Systems
- CS 6250 Computer Networks
- CS 6456 Principles of User Interface Software
- CS 6465 Computational Journalism
- CS 6505 Computability, Algorithms, and Complexity
- CS 6515 Introduction to Graduate Algorithms
- CS 6675 Advanced Internet Computing Systems and Applications
- CS 6730 Data Visualization: Principles & Applications
- CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 7210 Distributed Computing
- CS 7270 Networked Applications and Services
- CS 7280 Network Science
- CS 7450 Information Visualization
- CS 7451 Human-Centered Data Analysis
- CS 7467 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- CS 7650 Natural Language
Visual Analytics
Core courses (9 hours):
- CS 6730 Data Visualization: Principles & Applications
- CS 7450 Information Visualization
- CSE 6242 Data and Visual Analytics
Electives (6 hours):
Pick two (2) from:
- CS 6456 Principles of User Interface Software
- CS 6465 Computational Journalism
- CS 6491 Computer Graphics
- CS 6750 Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 6795 Introduction to Cognitive Science
- CS 7451 Human-Centered Data Analysis
- CS 7641 Machine Learning
- CSE 6740 Computational Data Analysis