Arches National Park, April 2004

Setting off to hike the "Park Avenue" trail

Pete and Noah, ready to hike

Amy on lunch rock

Amy at the double-arch "The Spectacles"

A puddle in the desert?
Desert rain means desert flowers.

Pete enjoying the view, Noah asleep (as usual)

Noah in the backpack.
Many people we passed said "Now that's the way to
travel!" or "Can I ride next?" We started working
on snappy replies:
Pete: "You must under 26" to ride!"
Amy: "I've got dibs for the way down!"

Amy, Pete, and Noah take a hiking break
Noah's favorite part of vacation:
Rolling on the rug in the motel!

Which arch is this one again?

Amy poses in front of petroglyphs.
(OK, they're 19th century petroglyphs... but they still count!)

No hiking vacation is complete without a corny sky shot and a good
picture of a dead tree.


View at Colorado National Monument
(Pete swears he saw Wile E. Coyote chasing Road Runner out there!)

Impromptu waterfall on a rainy day at Colorado National Monument
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