The Centaur Compendium
maintained by Anthony G. Francis, Jr.
cen.taur \'*)r\ n
[ME, fr. L Centaurus, fr. Gk Kentauros]
1: one of a race fabled to be half man and half horse and to dwell in the
mountains of Thessaly.
A centaur is a mythical creature with the head and torso of a man joined to the body of a horse.
With its origins in Greek mythology, the centaur is one of the most enduring mythological creations,
persisting through art and literature in the Middle Ages and enjoying a rebirth with the twentieth
century explosion in the genre of fantasy. This page is a collection of information
about the centaur in art, literature and imagination - as well as the centaur on the Internet.
The image contained in this document was scanned in from the comic
book The Dreamery, Issue 1, and is used with the permission of
the artist, Donna Barr (thank you, Donna! I still owe you a copy of
that story, by the way) who retains the copyright and all rights.
For this and other picture credits, see the
Gallery of Picture Credits.
Last Modified: August 26, 1996 by Anthony Francis (
Copyright (c) 1995 by Anthony Francis (