MissionLab v4.0

Latest Version: 4.0.01
Release Date: August 3, 2000

The Mobile Robot Laboratory at Georgia Tech is pleased to announce the release of MissionLab v4.0 multiagent robotics mission specification and control software. MissionLab takes high-level military-style plans and executes them with teams of real or simulated robotic vehicles. MissionLab supports execution of multiple robots both in simulation and actual robotics platforms, including device drivers for controlling ActivMedia Pioneer AT, RWI Urban Robot, and Nomadics Technologies Nomad 150 & 200. Each vehicle executes its portion of the mission using reactive control techniques developed here at Georgia Tech.

MissionLab System Key Components
  • mlab -- console-like program from which a user monitors the progress of experimental runs of the robot executables
  • CfgEdit -- graphical tool for building robot behaviors - the designer can build complex control structures with the point and click of a mouse
  • cdl -- compiler that translates the configuration description language of the robot missions
  • cnl -- compiler that compiles the configuration network language to generate a C++ code
  • HServer -- hardware server that directly controls all the robot hardware and provides a standard interface for all the robots and sensors
  • MissionLab can be now run on RedHat Linux 6.2
  • New HServer component provides improved modularity across different robotic platforms with support for portable sensor device
  • Communications among multiple robots were improved
  • More states and triggers for urban warfare operations have been added
  • Graphical user interface windows became more user friendly
  • Many bugs have been corrected

MissionLab is being developed at the Mobile Robot Laboratory at Georgia Tech under the direction of Professor Ronald Arkin. MissionLab distribution includes unsupported source code. Please feel free to download it and send any feedback to: mlab‍@‍cc.‍gatech.‍edu

Mobile Robot Laboratory, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
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